Friday, October 18, 2019

Week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Week 4 - Essay Example Nevertheless, the licensees of The Medical Board of Ohio are disciplined by the Board for violating Medical Practices Act. Other grounds of discipline include: Drug prescription in an inappropriate manner, issuing false information, failure in meeting the continuity of education requirements and impairment of ability to practice due to substance abuse. The complaint process from the civil is as follows: a number is assigned to every received complaint and reviewed initially by the Boards Secretary and Supervising member. A letter will be sent conveying closure of the complaint if no sufficient basis is found. The Secretary and the Supervising Member will be in charge of overseeing the investigations and gathering of information. If there is sufficient evidence, an attorney Enforcement Coordinator who drafts a formal charge to be reviewed by the Boards Secretary, the Supervising Member and the Ohio Attorney General’s office before being forwarded to the Board Members will be assigned the case. The Board members are the decision makers on whether or not the citation letter should be sent. (American Association of Retired Persons, 2004) The American Board of Medical Specialties, the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality are a lot of existing agencies giving help to combat medical malpractice policies. There are also the Government Accountability Office and the National Academy for the State Health Policy. A reprimand, probation, suspension, limitation and permanent license revocation are some of the disciplinary actions given for sufficient evidence of violation. There is automatic suspension for the Practitioners found guilty in court. The Board may also call for a summary suspension pending a hearing in emergency cases (American Association of Retired Person, 2004). There are many situations a physician might find themselves eligible for

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