Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research Report- International Human Resource Managemnet Essay

Research Report- International Human Resource Managemnet - Essay Example South Korea has moved significantly further in building a middle-of-the-road realism out of the innovative hopes of foregone dot-com days. South Koreas closely inhabited regions have made it easier for telecommunications companies to put forward awfully fast service to large numbers of people. Taylor Reynolds who is an International Telecommunications Union analyst said "I think there are a quite a few lessons. Most of the growth is tied to effective competition, which you dont see in a lot of places in the United States." In fact Taylor had recently finished a study of Internet and mobile services in South Korea. South Korea does not have adequate and appropriate training center for cross-cultural training. Thus the government has to take steps to provide more centres for cross-cultural training. David Tae-Woong Lee points out that â€Å"the most urgent need of the Korean missionary training is to prepare qualified trainers. However, preparing a qualified trainer, who is equipped in both academically and cross-culturally, is not so easy. Although several training centres in Korea have invited trainers from foreign countries, the language barrier makes it hard to achieve effective

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