Saturday, September 7, 2019

Food and Beverage Operations Management Assignment

Food and Beverage Operations Management - Assignment Example As a result of that different service and production system pertaining to the industry has been framed for the purpose of incorporating hygienic production and distribution system which ultimately results in health and nutrition of every consumer. Reports have also suggested that food and beverage industry has been the mainstay in the development of any country’s economy. According to Blazey (2009), whether it is a chemical or Pesticide Company, a biotech or a genetics firm, hotels, restaurants, or even large supermarkets such as the Walmart, Costco or Target Corporation; each of the business or industry revolves around beverage and food sector. Now, in the context of food and beverage production and service system, it has unique characteristics in comparison to the production and service delivery system of other products. The following are the characteristics: - The demand for food and beverages occurs at the peak time such as breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, other than these periods food industry generally experiences a lean phase. The demands for food might vary according to the time of the year as well as the events taking place in the surroundings. Hence, on the basis of the season and time of the year, the production and distribution system undergoes enormous amount of change. The food production and services are highly labour intensive. The industry requires both unskilled and skilled labour. The menu changes at regular interval of time and hence the production and distribution system changes (Dunne, Lusch and Carver, 2011). Both food and beverages are perishable in nature and as a result of that foods are required to be handled properly before, after and during the process of preparation. Figure 1 - Flow of Food (Source: Hollensen, 2007) 1.2 Discuss factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems The recipes and menus get strongly affected by a number of factors. Broadly, food service systems are classified as a cook and chill, conv entional, assembly and commissioners serve (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2011). The conventional food service is the type of service where food is prepared and is eaten at the same place. Cook and chill are the service where food is prepared and is eaten after a certain period of time, the commissioner is the system where food is prepared and is taken somewhere for eating and lastly in assembly service the food is brought to a new location and it requires reheating before actually consuming it. The factors which affect the recipes and menus for a specific system are as follows: - Demand of customers: - The consumer demands are probably the most vital factor that affects the recipes and menus. The tendency of customer demands is observed and a menu is prepared on the basis of that only (Lingar, 2007). Seasonality: - Seasonality is a major factor. Being a perishable product, it has strong dependence on season. For example, ice cream or cold drinks are hardly consumed during winters and as a result of that menu needs to be changed and alternate items such as juice need to be on the menu. Budget and Ability: - The budget and ability of the restaurant are also considered before finalizing the menu. For example, if there is a shortage of staff members or lack of ingredients, the menu list needs of to be shortened (Nazarko, 2004). 1.3 Compare the cost and staffing

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