Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

The company before 2000 is referred as ‘Old Monsanto†, and today the company is known as â€Å"New Monsanto† Monsanto’s GM seeds have not been accepted everywhere. For example European Union has banned Monsanto’s crops except for one variety of corn. Monsanto’s products have generated two main concerns regarding safety of GM food and environmental effects of genetic modification. Concerns about the Safety of GM food’ The consequences of genetically transforming our food and environment are unpredictable and irreversible, and will affect all future generations of species on this planet. For many of reasons, the corporate media has been all but silent about this transformation. Although most Americans are unconscious of it, more than 60% of the food we are eating is genetically modified. These days, genetically modified (GM) corn, soybeans, and canola are added to much of our processed foods, starting from breakfast cereals to corn chips to soft drinks. Even fresh vegetables are genetically altered. Genetically, the modified crops are created when scientists would take genes from one organism and insert them into another. Usually genes are transferred from plants, animals, insects, bacteria or viruses and then introduced into crops with the intention of developing a particular characteristic. For instance, scientists have taken a gene with anti-freeze trait from an arctic fish to a tomato. While the goal was to make the tomato more frost resistant, the gene transfer brought with it unpredicted side effects: the tomatoes changed its natural color easily and consumers not liked their ‘metallic’ taste. The recent introduction of GM crops is not the predictable outcome of scientific progress. Relatively, GM crops have been pushed into ... ... in its customers’ confidence on the company. Misrepresentation of essential information and lack of preventive measures result in penalties and disrupt the company's operations. Furthermore, distortion of information negatively affects the shareholders’ confidence, the profitability and credit rating of the company in the long run (Monsanto Company SWOT Analysis., 2013, p. 6). References Landsman J. (August 09, 2013) Monsanto and GMO lies revealed, Retrieved November 22, 2013 and available at: Monsanto Company SWOT Analysis. (2013). Monsanto Company SWOT Analysis, p.6 Unknown (June/ July 2001), Continuing the Green Revolution: The corporate assault on the security of the global food supply, Volume 13, Number 4, Retrieved November 22, 2013 and available at:

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