Thursday, August 8, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing - Essay Example Marketers have to pay close attention to different aspects of marketing both in real and digital marketing techniques; therefore their key responsibility is to develop an integrated linkage between the psychological images of product portrayed through various marketing techniques. In summary, customer should be provided with a realistic view of the product through marketing, so that he does not feel betrayed while utilizing the product for the first time, thus nullifying the possibility of overpromising. 2.0 Literature Review However, this concept is ill-defined according to the present literature of marketing (Cornelisson, 2003), so more empirical study is warranted for concerning this important topic. IMC is reported to have a positive impact on the brand image of the product (Reid, Luxton, & Movondo, 2005), through this technique products can be advertised worldwide in minimal financial implications. Another study is of the view that marketing combines, historical evidence, presen t development and future implications of a product upon customer’s quality of life. But conventional advertisement methodologies were not able to communicate these aspects of the product (Finne & Gronroos, 2009). Therefore, the promotional activities focused on the present development of the product, in this way customer could not relate the past, present and future with the product, this caused the impact of marketing to drop in the past. However, the availability of electronic media, such as internet streaming video technology, provides a ground for marketers to integrate the three times of a product in front of customers and prospects. IMC is also believed to be highly flexible in nature and could be used to market wide range of products and services. (Luck & Moffatt, 2009). Hence this method for marketing is based on the concept of highlighting abstractive qualities of the product, such as good looks in case of clothing and ease of access for a website. The phenomenon und er study is also designed to build customer linkages on personal level, because advertisements appear touchy and very moving on internet and social sites (Smith, 2010). Thus help in building a customer base for a product. But at the same time the product which is advertised through IMC, must be available in the market, so that customer could be facilitated while making purchase decision. Advertisers are compelled to use various marketing channels to cater for various types of customers; however the intactness of message’s meaningfulness is a significant challenge for business professionals (Zavrsnik & Jerman). IMC is vastly accepted in the advertising of hotels and other services (Comm, Saura, & Rijeci, 2009) . This paper turns its focus towards analyzing the famous cases of implementing IMC in a real world setting by The See-board Energy and Ice hotel AB. These organizations belong to very different businesses, but the applicability of IMC could be highlighted by the analysi s of these two campaigns. First of all, this

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