Saturday, August 10, 2019

Hong Kong Consumers' (Aged 20-40) response to Traditional Chinese Dissertation

Hong Kong Consumers' (Aged 20-40) response to Traditional Chinese herbal medicine and their influence on advertising - Dissertation Example rchase Decisions 3.5 Critical Factors that influence Customers’ Purchase Decisions 3.6 Summary and Conclusion Chapter 4: Research Methodology 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Research Objectives 4.3 Research Approach 4.4 Research Methods 4.5 Research Design 4.4.1 Population and sample size 4.4.2 Data Collection Instrument – Survey Questionnaire 4.4.3 Data Collection Method 4.4.4 Method of Data Analysis 4.5 Pilot Test 4.6 Ethical considerations 4.7 Limitations Chapter 5: Discussion and Analysis 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Findings and Analysis 5.2.1 Age and Income Distribution 5.2.2 Perception about Chinese Herbal Medicine Perception of Parity and Potency of Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) with respect to the Western Medicine Positive Change in Attitude and Consumption Ad Message/Content Framing and Ad Effectiveness Positive Emotional Response and Ad Effectiveness Heirarchy of Importance for Selection Criteria 5.3 Conclusions Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 6.1 Conclusions 6.2 Recommendations 6.3 Future Scope of Research Figure 1: Age and Perception of Parity of CHM Figure 2: Income and Perception of Parity of CHM Figure 3: Age and Perception of Potency of Chinese Herbal Medicines Figure 4: Income and Perception of Potency of Chinese Herbal Medicines Figure 5: Positive Attitude Change towards CHM Figure 6: Age and Positive Attitude Change towards CHM Figure 7: Income and Positive Attitude Change towards CHM Figure 8: Reasons for Positive Attitude Change toward CHM Figure 9: Age Difference and Reasons for Attitude Change Figure 10: Income Difference and Reasons for Attitude Change Table A: Conceptual Framework for Research Table 1: Age Group Distribution of the selected sample Table 2: Income Group Distribution of the selected sample... This "Hong Kong Consumers' (Aged 20-40) response to Traditional Chinese herbal medicine and their influence on advertising " essay outlines a positive attitude change towards the CHM, and the reasons ranged from desire to have long and healthy life, increase in income, increase in awareness and the proliferation of infectious diseases in the recent past. Traditional Chinese Medicine originated in ancient China and the practitioners use a combination of methods such as acupuncture and herbs as methods of treatment. The Chinese herbal medicine is unique because it is very different from the way in which other forms of herbal medicines treat the diseases (Connor and Geoffrey, 2001). One major difference is that in the western approach to herbal approach focuses on herbs taken by them. However, in Chinese herbal medicine, the treatment is done through various combinations of herbs. Traditionally, the treatment is not designed for one particular illness; instead, the focus is on a holisti c approach to the treatment. However, with the increase in demand, traditional Chinese medicine now also has a disease-oriented version that can be used after consultation (Deng, 1999). Chinese herbal medicine is very popular in Asian countries and many people prefer to opt for it because it does not have any side effects unlike the allopathic form of medicine (Teeguarden, 1994). In the United States, Traditional Chinese Medicine is considered to be a part of the complementary and alternative medicine (Foster & Yue, 1992).

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