Friday, August 16, 2019

Gun Control Is Necessary Essay

Regulation of guns is a necessary action that needs to be taken in order to save lives. Gun control is an effort to stop the rise in violent crime by strengthening laws on the ownership of firearms. Guns should be taken out of the hands of criminals So that the world would be a safe haven for individual to live and enjoy every day of their lives. They are too many adults and kids dying every day because of the use of guns there kids and adults dying from either a stray bullet, drive by shooting, individuals, robbing stores, banks, carrying guns to school, movie theatre. Every day you read the newspapers or even watch the news channel you will always found some died by from the use of a gun Sandy Hook elementary school should be an awakening for the white house to enforce strict rules on guns and who should be in possession of owning guns Certain laws should like the stand your ground law should be forbidden. That is an easy way to take someone life and not be charged for taking that person life. Guns are meant to be by law enforcement, military, and secret service not meant to be used by minors or adults who don’t have a gun license The National Rifle Association (NRA), And the Gun Owners of America (GOA).Should be able to come to an agreement on gun issues and the effect it’s causing to our country The NRA is the nation group dedicated to upholding of the second amendment of the constitution. The NRA policy states that every law-abiding citizen is entitled to the ownership and legal use of firearms, â€Å"The NRA does many things to help [display their beliefs and persuade others to their beliefs. The NRA has a strong pull on legislation because it has many lobbyist and supporters in government. The NRA also has groups in congress that’s why everything about gun control is all talks because of the power of the NRA If according to the NRA that every law-abiding citizen should own a gun why not raised the prize on ammunition for the gun so that the death toll in America and around the world will reduced because if you own a gun you need ammunition to fire that gun and if ammunition is prized at a higher prize that the gun then the dying of innocent people will reduce Because individual that own a gun will not want to spend that much to purchase ammunition And also the NRA should not sell assault rifles to gun stores for individual to purchase’s to commit horrific crimes. Assault rifles so only be made for the sole purpose of the military, law enforcement, secret service and individual that protect and serve this great country of ours The NRA will not stop selling assault rifle to individuals because then they will be losing out on a great deal of money and having so much power They NRA will not let that happen . If the NRA can’t come to a plan on fixing the gun control law there wi ll be more horrific crimes to be committed on innocent individuals who didn’t deserved to die like those that have died.

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