Thursday, June 13, 2019

Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Gender - Essay ExampleThree main prospects atomic number 18 portrayed in these two articles.The first one is that journalism is not about intellectual ability only but also about having great determination. Women who take away to be journalists must be ready to persevere and show dedication in their motion. They should be ready to go through thorough training and also have a deep conviction that they can do the work. As Arnold Bennett puts it, journalism will surely prove both exhausting and disappointing to those whose hearts are not set fast upon it. To those who do not have what she terms as iron determination, to go against all odds, will find a hard time being n journalism. However, for those who are determined and persevering, they will surely overcome the disappointments that come along with journalism and hence find their work interesting and fulfilling.One who aspires to be a journalist must also be a good writer and one who loves to read newspapers and periodicals in a r egular basis. It leases a lot of reading and a need to know more time after time. Hence, someone who does not have a inwrought love for reading will have a hard time in the field of journalism.An aspiring female journalist should possess the talent of glide path up with new ideas regularly and be willing and ready to share them with other people. She should be creative and know how to argue out points and facts so as to gain the confidence and acceptance of her ideas to people.A female journalist must also be ready to face the prejudices that the society has against women. Even in array of information, men will always be biased on the type of information that they give females since they feel that the females cannot understand some issues. As much as many women can now be seen in the field of journalism, very few can be found in the most influential positions that involve decision making.

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