Friday, May 31, 2019

In One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, Why Does Chief Bromden trust, Essay

In One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, Why Does foreman Bromden trust,befriend and then murder Randle Patrick McMurphy?First published in 1962, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest-the concur byKen Kesey- follows the journey of a man named Randle Patrick McMurphythrough a North American mental institution in the 1960s.McMurphy is a prisoner who pleaded alienation in order to escape alengthy prison sentence for statutory rape-which turns out to havebeen with an underage girlWhoa. Couldnt make that stick, McMurphy says to the doctor. Girlwouldnt testify.With a tiddler of fifteen.She said she was seventeen Doc, and she was plenty willin.Introduced from the outset as an outspoken, yet amiable rogue,McMurphy is cowboy-like in manner and attireHe shows up in the door and stops and hitches his thumbs in hispockets, boots wide apart, and stands there with the guys looking athim.broad across the jaw and shoulders and chest, with a broad whitedevilish grin.His arrival on the ward is alarming and ev oke to the patientsalready there, as McMurphys loud, outspoken, outgoing personalityclashes with the calm, quiet, subdued atmosphere of their daily lives,and his presence affects the lives of everyone on the ward, includingthe staff.Another central character to the book is Head have got Ratched. Aformidable character, Ratched is perpetually calm, precise andorganised, and yet she is calculating, manipulative and indirectlycoercive.Ratched runs the mens ward like clockwork, using carefully devisedschedules, medications and unspoken threats of punishment, retainingher power oer the patients by using the three unpleasant, angry blackmen-known only as the black b... ...imation, no personality, in a conscious but vegetatestate.When Chief Bromden finds out what has been done to McMurphy, and thestate that he will now be in for the rest of his life, he ponders onwhat McMurphy would have done in his place.He decides that death is a more worthy and dignified fate for McMurphythan the bleak , empty existence that lies ahead of him.The Chief waits until nightfall, then he picks up a breathe and uses itto smother McMurphy until he suffocates. He closes McMurphys glazedeyes and goes back to bed.After a short time of reflection, the Chief decides to escape from theinstitution- what he had once regarded as his only safe haven, and nowregards as a prison.The Chief goes to the bathroom and hurls a chrome sink through awindow, climbs out and runs off into the night.This escape tag the end of the story.

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