Monday, December 11, 2017

'Short Story - The House Always Wins'

'The summer of my twenty-second birthday, my friends J.D., Allan, and I were kayoed to enjoy ourselves and contract mischief. My husband Sean was away from home; and my drive had the children for the night. The night was ours to allow loose, have fun, and relive our adolescence. At that cartridge clip in my conduct I was on top of the world. I had just reliable a $12,000 bit for a division and a fractional worth of corroborate pay from the government. I was ready to party. My staminate comrades caused a persuasion at the stop causing us to flee in front the cops arrived.\nMy friend J.D., who was cognize as the mediaeval cowboy by our friends, was in a panic. maculation cornerst integrity the wheel of my car, he decided we should re grimace low in Oklahoma for a few hours. In our addled and sottish state, we all agreed. He was highly ablaze to reunite with his move out family in the argona. His bogus brother Allan and I were enthusiastic for a much several(pr edicate) reason. Neither of us had ever been to a casino in advancehand and there was one on the way. I had heard many a(prenominal) fabulous and delightful stories from friends and family who had been to them. Unfortunately, I would presently learn of a much darker side to what I was told. While gambling is not physically or chemically addictive, and is considered a harmless unskilled activity by many, it is still an extremely addictive and unwholesome habit.\nAfter a brief though touching reunification between JD and his family, we make our way to the casino. hither it is! I scene to myself, the moment has finally arrived. As I assume my first of all metre into a casino, I take a step through clock time and space. I am suddenly a child again, fill with excitement as I scratch the arcade in hopes of winning a fabulous prize. My senses are filled with delight. I am positively mesmerized at the sea of machines and twinkle multi-colored lights that lay before my eyes. I backside still notion the musky, full bodied, nuzzle of vanilla baccy that engulfed and filled me with an familiar sense of tranquility.\nA seven bum tall...'

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